Monday, November 9, 2020

New Release: Exposure of a HomoThug

 Wow.  I had no idea it had been so long since my last post. It's amazing to think how crazy the world has gotten in such a short time. (And it may get crazier still...)

Anyway, I' thrilled to say I'm finally done with my next book, Exposure of a HomoThug, and it's currently available on Amazon.

Like my other titles, it stays keen on the subject of urban life (and love). Below is the current description:

Growing up in the hood, Micha knew there were certain unwritten rules that were sacrosanct - practically biblical commandments:

Do what you have to to get over.
Never snitch; do your time like a man.
And - above all else - never drop any hint that you might be gay. (Hell, if anybody even joked about it, you were honor-bound to break their jaw!)

Initially, Micha has no problem with any of these, but an unexpected encounter suddenly awakens something in him that he never knew existed. Feelings. Longings. Desires. Physical needs that women prove incapable of satisfying.

As Micha grapples with who and what he is, he crosses paths with Dre, a hardcore thug with a reputation for being cutthroat and ruthless - and a secret lifestyle that he'll do anything to keep hidden, including murder. Now Micah has to decide who's a friend and who's an enemy, and whether he'd prefer to live a life that's a complete lie, or risk everything to be who he is.

After taking so long, I'm obviously happy to have this one done, and I'm hoping readers will take to it like they did my other books. Thanks again to everyone for all your support.

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